24 Hour Flash Sale ~ Today Only!
I wanted to let you all know about a flash sale going on TODAY ONLY! This week I will be posting short and sweet posts about a new flash sale going on daily that will last For Only 24 Hours, so keep an eye out for that!
I mean who doesn’t love I BOGO free sale right?! And todays oil, oh todays oil…it is a perfect holiday oil you are sure to love!
The oil for today is White Fir. White Fir essential oil is most noted for soothing sore muscles and joints and supporting clear breathing. I love using White Fir when I get a cold and I absolutely love to diffuse it around the holidays for that fresh cut tree smell.
See my tree? Yay, now that we live in Florida, buying a “real” tree is out of the question…with the heat it will die in no time. I missed that fresh cut tree smell! Well miss no more. White Fir diffused has come to the rescue! My hours smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!
Head on over to get your free bottle today!