First of all, Congratulations on taking the 8 week dumbbell challenge! You will be amazed how tone and fit you will get just by incorporating weights into your exercise routine and eating right for your metabolic type! If you missed our pre challenge details, no worries! We really would like to hear your story and get to know you a bit better. We also are including an area where you can share your story, post a before and after picture and sign up for this challenge. It is not required but highly recommended. It is much easier to follow a program if you have a group of people supporting you and cheering you on. We are that group! 🙂 So head on over to our pre challenge details post: Sculpt The Body of Your Dreams With This FREE 8 Week Challenge. You can always find these workouts by going to the top of this page and click on the “Coaching” tab and there will be a “Free 8 Week Dumbbell Challenge” tab. Click on that for all past workouts. It is important to start at the beginning of this challenge and work your way through the program how it is laid out.
Here is the first workout and the start of this program!
Sculpt The Body of Your Dreams With This FREE 8 Week Challenge!
So here is how this challenge is going to work
- This challenge can be started at anytime. Always start with week 1, week 2, week 3…week 8 and so on. Once you start the challenge, continue on it for 8 consecutive weeks.
- For your next 8 weeks, I have pre done daily posts with the exercises that you need to do for your specific week. Each week you will be given a dumbbell routine on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and a stretching routine on Saturday/Sunday.
- A library of workouts can be found under the “coaching” tab at the top of this website under “Free 8 Week Dumbbell Challenge” I am doing this as I go and the start date is January 7, 2013 so please note that the library won’t be complete until 8 weeks from that date. Follow along with us! We will be doing updates on our Facebook Page as we work our way through this program.
- I will include an animated image (courtesy of an amazing free site & showing you how to do the exercise.
- The only equipment needed is an exercise ball and dumbbells.
- You will get 4 workouts a week showing you how to do the exercises: 3 dumbbell workout routines and 1 stretch workout routine.
- So if I work your chest and arms, then I will not work them the next few days and so forth. I will work different muscles throughout this program.
- Support can be found at any time in the posts below the animated exercises in the comment section that reads “Join The Conversation” & on our Facebook Page. Every comment will be answered. Share your support, successes, challenges, questions, and feedback in this section.
- Incorporate this exercise program into your daily exercise routine and you will be amazed how tone and fit you can get in 8 weeks!
- Don’t have an exercise routine? Start out with this 8 week challenge and you will see results!
- Please sign in (below) so we can get to know you better. If you would like to submit a before and after picture, fill the form out below! We would love to see your transformation! (this is not required)
- Once your 8 week Dumbbell Challenge is done, challenge yourself again for another 8 weeks but increase your weights to intensify your workouts!
- Click here if you want to receive these post in your inbox for FREE?
Before You Get Started
Are you up for the challenge?
I will have a section under the “Coaching” tab called “Free 8 Week Dumbbell Challenge” where you can go back and view past workouts. Please note in these pictures you will see a workout bench. You do not have to use a workout bench if you do not have one. Most of these exercises can be done right on your exercise ball. I use my ball as a bench, and a chair. No expensive equipment needed. How easy is that?
As always, listen to your bodies language. If you feel pain, stop. I do these exercises in circuit format. Here is an example of how I completed my workout.
Week 3, Saturday (Full Body Stretch)
There are no circuits, sets or reps today. Today we are focusing on stretching the muscles we have worked out all week! There are a few things I want to mention here. The images that are displayed for todays workout are provided by an amazing free website! There will be a lot more exercises in todays workout but you are not doing these in reps or sets, you are simply stretching the muscle and holding the stretch for 5-10 seconds and then you move onto the next exercise. This routine shouldn’t take you any longer than 20 minutes. Enjoy this workout! It should feel good to stretch these muscles.
Exercises For Week 3, Saturday
Neck #1 – Head Tilt Forward
- Stand up with your back straight and tilt your head down towards your chest.
- Tilt your head back to its starting position after a short pause.
- Be careful not to tilt your head back too far.
Neck #3 – Head Left-to-Right Rotation
- Stand up with your back straight and rotate your head to the left.
- Rotate your head back and continue on to the right side.
- Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.
Shoulder #2 – Upper-Arm-Up Shoulder Stretch
- Stand up and grab your right elbow up on the side of your head using your left hand.
- Stretch by pulling your elbow towards the back of your head and hold for several seconds before moving on the other side.
- This exercise will stretch your shoulder and triceps muscles.
Shoulder #6 – Kneeling Twist (Ball)
- Lie down on your knees on the floor, ball in front of you with your hands on top of it, arms fully extended.
- Stretch by rolling your upper body down to one side while keeping your hands on the exercise ball.
- This exercise will stretch your back shoulder muscles.
Chest #1 – Chest Stretch (Ball)
- Stand in front of a wall and hold the exercise ball with your left hand up high.
- Stretch by extending your body and pulling yourself down towards the wall.
- This exercise will stretch your chest muscles primarily.
Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)
- Lie on your back on the exercise ball.
- Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully.
- This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.
Back #1 – Trunk Rotation
- Stand up and position your hands on each side of your hips, elbows slightly bent.
- Rotate your trunk to your left, then rotate it all the way to your right in one smooth motion. Repeat this a few times.
- This exercise will stretch your back, chest and abdominal muscles.
Back #3 – Lower Back Stretch (Sitting)
- Sit down on the floor, back straight, legs in front of you wide from each other with your knees bent in front of your chest.
- Stretch by tilting your upper body forward.
- This exercise will stretch your lower back.
Back #6 – Full Body Stretch (Lying on Back)
- Lie on your back on the floor and extend your legs down and your arms up.
- Stretch by trying to make yourself taller, by pulling/pushing your feet and hands away from each other.
- This exercise stretches your entire body.
Legs #2 – Side Leg Stretch (Low)
- Crouch down, feet wide apart, with your right knee flexed but your right leg fully extended.
- Move your left hand towards your left ankle to increase the stretch, hold for several seconds and change sides.
- This exercise will again stretch your inner thigh muscles.
Legs #3 – Front Leg Stretch
- Stand on your right leg and hold your left foot with your left hand behind your buttocks.
- Stretch by pulling on your foot and hold for several seconds before changing sides.
- This exercise is excellent at stretching your quadriceps, located in front of your thighs.
Legs #5 – Step Up Calf Stretch
- Stand up and put your right foot on top of a step in front of you and extend your left leg back, feet pointing forward.
- Stretch your calf by trying to rest your left foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and change sides.
- Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.
Legs #7 – Hamstring Stretch
- Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down a little.
- Pull your right-foot toes towards you and move your hands towards them to stretch. Alternate sides when done.
- This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.
Legs #9 – Reach Ankle Stretch (Standing)
- Stand up, knees slightly bent and bend your hips to lower your upper body down in front of your knees.
- Try to bring your hands towards your ankles to stretch and hold for several seconds.
- This exercise will stretch your leg and back muscles.
Legs # 10 – Hip Sideways Stretch (Sitting)
- Sit down on the floor, rotate your upper body to your right, grab your right leg at the knee while it is slightly bent, foot across your left leg.
- Stretch by pushing on your right leg with your left elbow to rotate your upper body further. Alternate sides.
- This exercise stretches your hips and your back muscles.
Legs #12 – Stretch to Ankles (High; Sitting)
- Sit down on the floor, legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent.
- Stretch by titling your upper body forward and bring your extended arms towards your toes.
- This exercise will mainly stretch your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.
Legs #14 – Side Stretch to Ankles (Sitting)
- Sit down on the floor, legs extended and apart from each other.
- Stretch by tilting your upper body towards one foot, bringing your extended arm towards it and switch sides after holding for several seconds.
- This exercise stretches your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.
Legs #16 – Front Leg Stretch (Lying on Side)
- Lie on your left side on the floor, left leg forward and right leg held back, knees bent.
- Stretch by pulling your right foot using your right hand. Alternate sides when done.
- This exercise stretches mainly your quadriceps muscles.
Legs #18 – Hi Stretch (Ball)
- Lie down on your back on the floor, put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, knee at a 90 degree angle and your right foot against the top of your left knee.
- Stretch by pushing your right knee down towards the ball with your hands and alternate sides after several seconds.
- This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your inner thighs.
Legs #21 – Hip Flexor Stretch (Ball)
- Stand up with your left leg in front of you, right leg back, both fully extended, your left thigh slightly held on top of an exercise ball.
- Stretch by rolling your left leg forward while keeping your right leg back. Alternate sides after holding a several seconds.
- This exercise is an effective way to target the muscles in your hips.
Do you have questions? Need some additional support?