Here’s a little secret: I don’t like every kind of exercise.
It’s true! I love yoga and taking walks, but I don’t always like a treadmill or an elliptical!
But sometimes people really don’t understand when I say I don’t like exercise equipment. “What, Halle?? You don’t like going to the gym? Everybody loves the gym!” (NOT)!
The truth is: Not everyone likes every kind of exercise.
And that’s okay! It says nothing about your strength or fitness level.
You can be an Olympian and still not like the pace of Jazzercise or the incense that people always seem to burn at aerial yoga. It’s all about your comfort level.
More than that, a lot of different kinds of exercise don’t take the whole person into account. When’s the last time you saw an exercise instructor say why a strong core is important for your whole life? Or why you need to take time to rest?
Exercise should be something you enjoy.
The days of gym class are over.
You don’t have to do a form of exercise you absolutely hate just because you “have” to.
I meet so many people who don’t exercise because they’ve grown up to see it as a punishment. That’s not how exercise should be!
You’re much more likely to stick with exercise if you like doing it.
We’re more likely to exercise if it’s something that we find fun. It’s just how our brains work.
It’s way more fun to go to a dance party than to haul rocks back and forth across the yard, right? Both of these activities are exercise!
I bet you’d rather go to a dance party three times a week, though. Am I right?
Exercise should enhance your entire life.
It’s true! The exercise you do should make your entire life better. It should change your life. Movement is a good thing that helps the rest of your body work better.
When you have a good workout, I mean a reeeeally good one, you can feel it in all areas of your body. You have more energy, you stand up straighter and your breathing is a-ma-zing.
Good exercise makes you feel like everything is working better!
Introducing The Inside Out Program
I’m so honored to recommend my friend Robin’s exercise course, The Inside Out Program. I wish I would have had this when I was 13 years old so I could have taken it instead of gym class!
This isn’t like any exercise program you would sign up for at the gym. Robin has put together a program that tackles exercise from every angle.
It’s time to talk about not liking certain kinds of exercise. It’s okay! Some exercises just aren’t fun or they aren’t right for our bodies.
But we have to exercise to maintain happy and healthy bodies. So what do we do? We do exercises that are fun and directly helps improve our health and lives.
A Course To Change How We Feel About Exercise
Come explore The Inside Out Program with me!
Your body will love the feeling of these specialized exercises. No rope climbing or breathing exercises that you don’t understand. Robin explains everything and what it does for your body.
I promise we’ll all have fun exploring this program together!
Yes I agree with you at some points but when we talk about exercise we want peace and going to dance party will give you headache instead of peace so only at this point I am disagree otherwise I like your blog.
I love exercising naturally. I play with my kids until I sweat! We all enjoy every time!
Many times I literally forced myself to do yoga, which I do not love or understand. Why did I do it? Because somebody said it was useful!
I am much more into jogging or leisurely walks. No more yoga!