Today I want to share with you a quick way to get more page views on your website. It is easy to do and can really help you grow!
Now this won’t work for every post that you post, but it certainly can work for a specific types of post and might actually make your content flow smoother for your readers. Lets dive into this!
My Kombucha Post
A lot of bloggers put a ton of information into a post! That’s great, but remember people scan on the web and if it looks like it will take to much time to read, then they will pass the post right up!
I did a post on kombucha and I will use this post as an example.
Kombucha has quite a few steps to learn when starting out. So I chose to break this up into a series of post so that my readers would not be so overwhelmed with all of the information.
One of the post in particular had 5 steps to follow. If I was to put all this information on one page, it would have been a HUGE post! To make this post flow better, I broke the post up into 6 different pages.
Lets take a look at this post: Learn How To Brew Kombucha With This Easy Step by Step Tutorial
Notice that each page represents a new step. It flows well and it works! So why should you add multiple pages? Glad you asked! 🙂
(click on page 2 to goto next step)
mikezielonka says
Great Tips Halle!!!! 🙂
Adrienne Whole New Mom says
I’ve thought about this…but I will say I get annoyed w/ blogs / sites that have “10 Tips for Whatever” and they have me clicking through 10 pages to see all of them. And sometimes there is an ad on Page 5. What do you think about that?
hallecottis says
Adrienne Whole New Mom I don’t like when they insert ads in between post…that is annoying and crossing the line IMO. As I state on page 4 :), there is a time and place to use this and readers are smart…so it needs to be appropriate for sure!
I kind of like it for top 5 list, but top 10 gets to be much…agree
organicattempts says
This is great advice! Thanks!
tessadomesticdiva says
I was going to try this Halle…but i can’t find that button in my toolbar (wordpress self-host)
hallecottis says
tessadomesticdiva I use a plugin that allows me to customize my toolbar. It is TinyMCE Button Arrangement. If that doesn’t work just paste the text given above into your html and you should be good to go 🙂
tessadomesticdiva says
hallecottis tessadomesticdiva still can’t get it to work…I tried both options. ):
hallecottis says
tessadomesticdiva hallecottis let me dig deeper…might be something with your theme. What theme do you use?
Tessadomesticdiva says
Responsive with a custom child theme…….
hallecottis says
mikezielonka any ideas about this mike?
mikezielonka says
hallecottis Responsive is a popular theme on I would be surprised that it didn’t support post pagination.
Look at the Responsive parent theme and see if you see this code: <?php wp_link_pages(); ?> in single.php
You can read a little more about how post pagination works here:
hallecottis says
mikezielonka hallecottis Thanks Mike. Try this out tessadomesticdiva
ScreaminSardine says
At first it didn’t work for me either. I was looking at my post in the preview mode. When I actually published the post, it worked. The html coding didn’t work for some reason, but on my WordPress “text” mode, there’s an icon that says “more.” I clicked on that and, once published, it had a “Continue” link to the second page.
Thanks so much for this info!
hallecottis says
ScreaminSardine Thanks for this follow up comment! tessadomesticdiva see if this works for you. Your issue might be within your theme.
ScreaminSardine says
hallecottis ScreaminSardine tessadomesticdiva I just discovered a wrinkle, though. 🙁 If I link to the actual blog post (which I do at link parties/carnivals), it doesn’t break it up into the separate pages. If someone is looking at my blog in general and happen upon the post, it does do the separate pages. But at least that’s something. 🙂
hallecottis says
ScreaminSardine hallecottis tessadomesticdiva I went to your website and saw that. Did you try the TinyMCE button arrangement plugin?
tessadomesticdiva says
hallecottis ScreaminSardine tessadomesticdiva I tried both options, published…still with no luck. Maybe its the Easy Recipe plugin I use, or my theme as Halle suggested….weird computer things!
Jaya says
I can see why this works, and a lot of sites do it this way. You should know that there are people like me who recognize this technique as page view inflation and will leave before finishing. Most people I talk to dislike this tactic because it takes longer to read when you account for loading times, etc. anyway, I’m happy for you if it works for you, just be aware that it also actively repels a large segment and irritates another large segment.
Marlene Affeld says
Thank you for a very helpful article on promoting my new blog. I will return and follow your posts. Thanks again for sharing.
SolutionDots says
Thank you so much for giving this awesome post about more pageviews to your website it really contain effective tips