Psst…Have you heard??
Hey there! Have you heard my exciting news yet? If you haven’t, I am getting ready to launch my new book Natural Solutions for Cleaning & Wellness!
This book has been in the making now for almost 2 years! I’ve poured everything into it and I can NOT wait to share this book with you!
With over 150 natural solutions at your fingertips, this is sure to be your go-to book for health remedies and green cleaning solutions.
Common Ingredients Found In Natural Solutions
I’ve been asked numerous times — “What ingredients can I expect to find in your book”? Want to know the cool part? Most of the ingredients can be found right in your kitchen.
Baking soda, vinegar, turmeric, cinnamon, coconut oil, salt, hydrogen peroxide, chamomile tea, rubbing alcohol are just a few of the common ingredients found in Natural Solutions for Cleaning and Wellness.
I’ve worked super hard to make sure these solutions are easy to make and more importantly easy to source.
That’s not to say that there aren’t other ingredients, though, there are.
How To Slowly Grow Your Natural Solutions Ingredients List
If you want to continue to grow your natural solutions collection, it is important to try new solutions and new ingredients. This will help you grow your collection slowly over time.
Think one natural ingredient at time. And the really cool part…each new ingredient that you try, can be used in multiple solutions throughout my book.
So for example, if you purchase food grade diatomaceous earth, that one ingredient is used over 15 times in natural solutions presented in my book.
Did you know….
Diatomaceous earth is a chalk-like substance that is composed of fossilized diatoms that have formed together into silica deposits. The silica deposits are grounded into a fine powder called diatomaceous earth. It is most commonly used as a natural insecticide and is great to use on your furry friends to get rid of fleas. There are two different grades of diatomaceous earth; food grade and pool grade. Food grade diatomaceous earth is safe to use for the home, yards, and animals to name a few. Pool grade diatomaceous earth is altered by high heat and is only safe to use in pools. Be sure to buy food grade diatomaceous earth for the natural solutions presented in this book. ~ Snipit From Natural Solutions for Cleaning & Wellness
Ingredients Found In Natural Solutions ALL IN ONE SPOT!
I get it…where do you even find some of these ingredients? The good news is, Amazon carries most of these natural ingredients and I’ve conveniently put them all in one spot for a quick go-to reference point for you.
If you’d like to see common ingredients found in natural solutions, click here.
Making and building your natural solutions collection is really quite easy. I am so excited to see you start your natural solutions journey and as always, don’t hesitate to reach out in the comment section if you should have any questions.
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I have recently changed my eating habits by buying non-GMO, organic foods. I only buy pasture raised eggs & chicken and grass-fed meat. I’d love to change my whole lifestyle to a natural way. I think your book would encourage, teach and help me to achieve this goal. Thanks!
I would like a free copy of your signed book. My husband and I have had various health issues over the last few years. The medication my husband has been prescribed, amongst other problems, has caused him to get cataracts so that at the current moment he is basically blind. We are now of the opinion that the doctors like to keep you ill and that their “cures” are worse than the complaint. We have decided to go as natural as possible and feel that your book would be extremely helpful in our quest.