What To Do With A Possible Mold Outbreak?
Hey guys! Well I am embarking on quite the renovation. We have a possible mold outbreak and I wanted to share with you all the process one might take when dealing with mold.
If you are like me, I have never had to deal with mold…nor did I ever want to! But guys…sometimes it just happens.
And the best way to conquer mold is with knowledge. So here we go!
Follow My Whole Series ~ How To Get Rid of Mold in Your Home
Follow along with me on this journey, dare I say…This Mold Journey??
- Yikes A Water Leak! Renovation Time! New Floors, New Kitchen!
- Steps to Take When You Suspect That Mold Is Growing In Your Home
- Demolition Time and Discovering That We Have Mold! Now What?
- How to Get Rid of Mold {Part 1}
- How to Get Rid of Mold {Part 2}
- How to Get Rid of Mold {Part 3}
If you are seeing this series of posts for the first time, I encourage you to start with the first post and work your way through the remainder of the posts. Removing mold is a process and I lay this process out 1 post at a time.
So lets tackle this demo and see if we have mold once and for all! Ready…Set…Go!
Demolition Time
The time has come to demo this whole kitchen. Part of me hates to see it go and other parts of me are tickled!
I really was never big on white kitchens. Not because they don’t look pretty, because they do and I LOVE the fresh clean look…but with 3 kids and a dog, it is SO hard to keep clean.
First thing first…removing the dishwasher, the point of contact where the leak started. We already know there is a black substance resembling mold behind the dishwasher, the question remains if it has spread down the whole backside of the wall or more than 10 square feet.
And This is What It Looks Like After!
Wow, it amazes me how quickly 2 men can tear down an entire kitchen!
From the counters to the cabinets to removing our appliances…it was all done in several hours time.
Here is my bare kitchen. Notice something? Yay, the plastic on the right of the kitchen…that my friends is a wall of mold! Yikes, we have mold!!
We Have Mold. Now What?
Lets take a closer look under that plastic shall we? This is what toxic mold looks like.
Pretty scary stuff right? And y’all, it can make you really sick. You should not mess around with mold!
At this point, ALL construction has to stop and a mold removal team of experts needs to come in to remove the area infected.
Can You See The Mold Behind The Plastic?
As mentioned in a previous post, if the mold contamination is more than 10 square feet, all construction must stop!
The demolition team covered the mold with plastic, stapled it into the wall and instructed us to stay out!
We had a team of experts on standby. We were expecting this sadly! Stay tuned as I dive into How To Get Rid of Mold In A Home {Part 1} (because you know…it is quite a process)!!
I was having demolition done when I found out that I have a mold problem. It makes sense that I would want to get a professional to take care of that! I don’t want to risk getting myself sick or anything.