Hello and welcome to Whole Foods Wednesday’s Recipe Swap!
I am very excited to be co hosting this blog carnival! So just what is a blog carnival? Here are some tips and guidelines explaining just what a blog carnival is. It really is a great way to visit new blogs and get new recipes and lifestyle tips from all over the web!
A blog carnival is a place where people can share post about certain topics all in one spot. You can do a blog carnival on recipes, gardening, technology, homesteading, scrapbooking, sports etc…you get the picture. In our case we are creating a blog carnival on whole food recipes and healthy living tips or information that involve a healthy lifestyle such as natural cleaning solutions, homesteading. gardening tips etc… You will find all kinds of great information in a blog carnival!
- IF YOU DON’T HAVE A BLOG, join in by adding your whole food recipes in the comment section below.
- IF YOU DO HAVE A BLOG, use a tool called, “Mr. Linky” (at the bottom of this post), to add a link to your post, keeping these RULES in mind:
- PLEASE be sure to add a link in your post back to this post, so your readers can benefit from all the ideas, too. Also this helps out the other participants who are hoping to get more traffic to their blogs. Call it “blog carnival etiquette“.
- Do not link to your home page, only link to the specific post. (Otherwise later when new readers find this post and go to your link, they won’t be able to find what they’re looking for.)
- Be sure to read through here so you know what we are all about and what we mean by WHOLE FOOD (see below) before you add your link..
- Leave a comment, everyone loves comments. Be sure to visit at least 2 other post and leave a comment. After all, this is a blog “hop”/carnival. 🙂
- Feel free to grab the Whole Foods Wednesday button below for your post!
That is is! So lets have some fun here!
Welcome! If you’re new here, thanks so much for stopping by. If you are a returning visitor, please take a minute to look this over, as the guidelines for the recipe swap have changed.
- Link up your recipes that use real, whole foods, any healthy living tips or information that involve a healthy lifestyle such as natural cleaning solutions, homesteading. gardening tips etc…
- Please, do not link up any recipes with white flour or white/brown sugars. I hate to be the food police, but I would like for this recipe swap to be a source for finding nourishing and healthy solutions that make us feel our best.
- Link up to 4 recipes/tips that you haven’t shared here before.
Please add a simple text link back here or add a button to the post your are sharing:
Grab Our Button
This showcase is all about featuring you! Next week we will feature some of the highlights from this week’s recipes. I am so excited to announce that Whole Foods Wednesday is on 2 blogs every week! Katie over at This Chick Cooks also blogs about real food, healthy living and gardening tips and I will be co-hosting with her on Whole Foods Wednesdays. Be sure to visit her and say hello!
Thanks so much for hosting! This week I’m sharing a recipe for Paleo Japanese Salad. The recipe is from the new Paleo cookbook Primal Cuisine, and I’m giving away a copy of it (today’s the last day to enter!)
Thanks for hosting! I shared my post on why High Fructose Corn Syrup is a BIG DEAL and why you’ll want to remove it from your diet!
Thanks so much for hosting & Happy Wednesday! This week I’m sharing a recipe for delicious Coconut Milk ‘Ice Cream’. Easy to make & also DF, GF & V!
Micheline @ Holistic Chick
I shared my Black Bean Avocado Dilla. Its an easy go to meal and is made without cheese 🙂 Thanks for hosting!
My first taste was a homemade booch. After brewing my own for about a year now, I finally broke down and BOUGHT a bottle for $5 just to see if there was a difference or if I was on the right track. I’m glad to report that mine tastes better 🙂
My brother liked it so much when he was visiting home, here in Hawaii, that I sent him packing with a scoby in his suitcase all the way to Germany, where he is happily brewing his own.
I just started making my own about a month ago! So far, so good! It is way cheaper and I can make what ever flavors I want!
My friend at TheWoodwife’sJournal makes it all the time. I like how she makes it..There are alot of benifits to it is what she Sharon says..
My husband just started making it, after our addiction to it was getting expensive. So much cheaper and love it!
Love my booch. My kids drink it, my husband loves it, I’m totally good with that. Flavor it with ginger and some fresh juice when I have it.
I love it and my husband likes it … but can’t get the kids to drink it, even when flavoring it 🙁 Suggestions??
We love it in our house. I brew about 3 gallons per week for a family of 4. We especially love it flavored with strawberries or cherries.