Today I am super excited to introduce to you all A 30 day Dumbbell Challenge! In order to achieve your ideal health, I strongly believe that you have to eat real food for success and you also need to incorporate a great exercise routine.
I would also like to announce that we are reformatting this 30-day dumbbell challenge to ALSO be a FREE 8-week dumbbell challenge! You pick the program that works best for your needs, 30 days or 8 weeks!
There is so much conflicting information on which exercises to do, which are best for you…cardio, weights, CrossFit training, interval training, Pilates, Yoga the list goes on.
Bottom line is you have to enjoy your workouts to stick to them and you have to have variety.
For me, I love Pilates! I love to incorporate Pilate exercises with a dumbbell routine. I believe in order to achieve your ultimate fitness health, you must include weight training into your daily exercise program.
How Does Weight Training Help?
What exactly do I mean by “weight training?” Let me explain a few things first. Don’t let “weight training” scare you! I have never been a gym person. I have always enjoyed getting my exercise in the outdoors. I mean really, would I rather run on a treadmill staring at a blank wall or TV (I am so not a TV person), or be outside for an evening brisk stroll listening to the birds or my girls as they bike along side me often?
When the weather doesn’t permit me to be outdoors, I bring my exercise routine indoors. I do not have an expensive indoor gym. I have a few great exercise videos that I love and a few key pieces of equipment. I will share a few of my favorite videos and exercise books at the end of this post.
A few years back when I was working toward my fitness goals, I was speed walking, biking, running and rollerblading. I had hit a plateau and had stayed there for several months.
I have an amazing fitness friend who is also a personal trainer and she kept saying to me “Halle, you have to add weights to your routine!” Maybe she was right. I have always read that muscle burns more calories for a longer period of time. In one of my favorite books Smart Girls Do Dumbbells, It is stated that
” Muscle is a twenty-four-hour furnace, allowing you to burn more calories even at rest. Muscle is the body’s major metabolic booster. The famous “yo-yo” dieting syndrome is a result of muscle loss, if you diet without exercising, you lose muscle along with fat and the loss of muscle tissue translates into a slowdown, sometimes a shutdown of your metabolism. Eating less will help you lose weight, but building muscle will help you keep it off.”
~Judith Sherman-Wolin
Hmmmm…. so I began adding weights to my exercise routine and I was amazed at the results!
An exercise ball and weights are needed for this challenge.
Now as I stated above, I do not have an expensive gym in my house. I have a few great videos and an inexpensive dumbbell set, an exercise mat, an exercise ball, a few kettle bells and some exercise bands. Again, an exercise ball and weights of choice are needed for this challenge. All of these items can be found at any superstore such as Walmart or Target and I have also listed these items below this post through amazon.
When buying an exercise ball be sure to buy the right size for you. Buy the following size ball for your height.
55 cm – 4’11” – 5’4″
65 cm – 5’5″ – 5’11”
75 cm – 6’0″ – 6′ 7″
If you are just starting out with weights, buy yourself 3, 5 or 8 pound dumbbells, or better yet, buy yourself an inexpensive dumbbell set that you can build on. It doesn’t seem like a lot of weight but we will be doing these exercise in 2-3 sets with 10-12 reps in each set. It is better to start out with a smaller amount of weight and increase the weight as you progress. You can tell if you have the right amount of weight if at the end of the repetitions, the last two specifically, they should be a bit challenging to do but you still can complete the repetition with good form. Remember if you feel pain you should stop and as always consult a physician before starting any exercise program.
So here is how this challenge is going to work.
- This challenge can be started at anytime. Always start with day 1, day 2, day3…day 30 and so on. Once you start the challenge, continue on it for 30 consecutive days.
- For your next 30 days, I have pre done daily posts with the exercises that you need to do for your specific day.
- A library of workouts can be found under the “coaching” tab at the top of this website under “Free 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge“.
- I will include an animated image (courtesy of an amazing free site, & showing you how to do the exercise.
- The only equipment needed is an exercise ball and dumbbells.
- You will get 7 workouts a week showing you how to do the exercises (one workout will be a light workout or rest day.)
- So if I work your chest and arms, then I will not work them the next few days and so forth. I will work different muscles throughout this program.
- Support can be found at any time in the posts below the animated exercises in the comment section that reads “Join The Conversation.” Every comment will be answered. Share your support, successes, challenges, questions, and feedback in this section.
- Incorporate this exercise program into your daily exercise routine and you will be amazed how tone and fit you can get in 30 days!
- Don’t have an exercise routine? Start out with this 30 day challenge and you will see results!
- Once your 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge is done, challenge yourself again for another 30 days but increase your weights to intensify your workouts!
Before You Get Started
Are you up for the challenge?
I will have a section under the “Coaching” tab called “Free 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge” where you can go back and view past workouts. Please note in these pictures you will see a workout bench. You do not have to use a workout bench if you do not have one. Most of these exercises can be done right on your exercise ball. I use my ball as a bench, and a chair. No expensive equipment needed. How easy is that?
Follow the chart below with the number of sets and reps that you should do. As always, listen to your bodies language. If you feel pain, stop. I do these exercises in circuit format. Here is an example of how I completed my workout.
Day 1 (Muscle Areas Worked: Arms, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Abs)
My first circuit was as follows.
I followed the intermediate level.
First Set:
- 12 reps of Biceps Curl
- 12 reps Triceps Kickback, both sides (I used the exercise ball as my bench)
- 12 reps of Bench Press (I used the ball as my bench)
- 12 reps of Kneeling One Arm Row, both sides (I used the ball as my bench)
- 12 reps of Lateral Raise
- 12 reps of Dumbbell side bend
**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.
Second Set:
- 12 reps of Biceps Curl
- 12 reps Triceps Kickback, both sides (I used the exercise ball as my bench)
- 12 reps of Bench Press (I used the ball as my bench)
- 12 reps of Kneeling One Arm Row, both sides (I used the ball as my bench)
- 12 reps of Lateral Raise
- 12 reps of Dumbbell side bend
Exercises for Day 1
Biceps Curl
- Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.
- Raise both dumbbells until they reach your shoulders’ height and slowly lower them back down after a short pause.
- Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.
Triceps Kickback
- Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand, palm facing your body, upper arm parallel to your body.
- Push the dumbbell back by extending your elbow and allow it to slowly return after a short pause.
- Keep your upper arm still throughout.
Bench Press
- Lie down on your back on a bench and hold 2 dumbbells at chest level along your body, palms facing your feet.
- Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows are close to being locked and lower them back slowly after a short pause.
- Breathe out when raising the dumbbells and breathe in when lowering them back.
Kneeling One Arm Row
- Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand.
- Lift the dumbbell straight up without moving anything else than your arm and lower it back down after a short pause.
- Breathe out when raising the dumbbell and in when returning to starting position.
Lateral Raise
- Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand in front of your hips, palms facing each other.
- Raise the dumbbells to your sides until your arms are close to being parallel to the ground and lower them back down after a short pause.
- Try to maintain the angles in your elbows still throughout.
Dumbbell Side Bend
- Hold a dumbbell with one hand along the side of your body.
- Tilt your upper body to the side that holds the dumbbell and bring it back after a short pause. Complete your set and change sides.
- Be careful not to tilt your upper body too far sideways where it may be difficult to bring it back.
Exercise Images courtesy of
My Recommendations For Exercise Equipment & Books
Want This Whole Challenge In One Spot?
Click here if you’d like to see the full 30-days dumbbell challenge in one spot!
As always feel free to share your successes and/or questions in the comment section below!
Bookmarked this site a while back and started day 1 today! :)Thanks for the great instructions!
Started day one today! I started off as intermediate but felt I could handle more so I did 3 sets at 12-15 reps.
After I finished I did 10 minutes on the treadmill. 1 minute running, 30 seconds fast walking…
So glad I found this plan! I wanted to do some weight training at home and this looks great! Thanks!
Starting this tomorrow! Have an excercise ball and starting out with 3lb weights. I recently had back surgery 5 months ago and figured this would be good and help me lose weight and get fit better than running and or biking. Biking still hurts my back. So I’m hoping I can do all of these, what do you think good idea?
Be careful on some of the exercises, especially when you are using the ball. Try using a chair to start and if you feel pain, stop! I think 3 lb is a great start! 🙂
Are protein shakes good for these exercises?. And can I use these exercises to gain weight too?. Too much curious and desperate to gain weight. So if you could help me with this.
I know this is an old post. I just found it?. I am in..and guess what? DAY 1 DONE??? I LOVE IT.thanks for this❤❤❤
I know this is an old post. I just found it?. I am in..and guess what? DAY 1 DONE??? I LOVE IT.thanks for this❤❤❤ so glad I found this.
Congrats Serephina, and Welcome! 🙂
Hi, it is June 15, 2017 at this time I finished a first 30 day program and started a 2nd round. It is an amazing program. Perfect for everyone. I love the way each group of muscles have their own day and attention. Thanks!!
Congratulations Limary! I’m super proud of you!!
Halle, just starting your 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge, this is Day 2 for me. I am doing this before work in the morning. Enjoy how you change the days up and I believe I can do this. Thanks for the motivation!!
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Hi I’m anxious to start! I only have 8 lb weights and no exercise ball. How many sets/reps do you suggest I begin with and what can I use in place of the exercise ball? Thanks!