Are you one of those individuals who thinks that pictures don’t matter…that it’s the recipe that is the most important part of the post? I use to be one of those people!
To prove a point, I took one of my favorite recipes that I posted over a year ago (when my camera skills were totally lacking) and I changed the picture on it with a new and improved picture.
Guess what? That new and improved post (which remember, I ONLY changed the photo), has been my second most popular post since I changed the photo…for real!! It went from being one of my least visited post to one of my most popular post overnight!
My Experiment With My Potato Crust Quiche
So lets take a look at these before and after pictures shall we? Both of these pictures have been minimally styled. A lot of people tend to overdo the props and sometimes simplicity is so beautiful! So don’t be afraid to shoot a picture straight out of the oven. It gives the shot some action that oftentimes is missing in food photography pictures.
Before Picture of Potato Quiche
Take a look! Here is my before picture of my potato crust quiche. As stated, this is before I ever even attempted to put some effort into my photos. How appetizing does that look?…NOT! It taste amazing for real… just looks terrible, right? 🙂
After Picture of Potato Crust Quiche
Now I made the same recipe again (after picture), but decided to put them in little ramekins to appeal to more people. I took the potato crust quiche right out of the oven and did very little styling and shot the photo just like I had done in the photo above. I did a few quick edits and this is what I came up with!
Wow, quite a difference isn’t it? Now to be fair, my photography skills and equipment has developed over the past year…but quality pictures matter! Which would you rather eat?
Camera Details
As always, I like to include the details of my pictures.
- I shot the quiche photo on manual mode. I used natural light with no flash. I did not use a tripod for this photo. My ISO for the after quiche photo was 800, the aperture was f/3.2 and the shutter speed was 1/160 for this photos. I did not edit this picture.
If you should have any questions about any of these elements, please feel free to ask in the comment sections below.
More Great Photography Post ~ Photography, Equipment, Props & More
You can view more great photography post, in our Entire Series of Food Photography, Equipment, Props & More! Until next week…
Share Your Thoughts
What are some of your favorite styling tips that make your food pictures look better?
tessadomesticdiva says
I agree Hallie! I have been slowly redoing many of my old pictures from old recipes…ad I sometimes leave an old image in just so people an see the difference. My nutella cookies this week on WFW would be a good example…one with my point and shoot, and my new ones. Better examples would be old old recipes, but you get the idea! I look fwd to getting better and better with my abilities! It is so much fun, a real creative outlet for me.
Julie Miller Karnthaler says
Nell Steel says
Thanks again!